Marine Courtesy Flags
Premium marine grade international courtesy flags for your vessel. From the popular Bahamas courtesy flag (Bahamian courtesy flag cruising pennant) to the Canadian courtesy flag, with over 55 international courtesy flags from your favorite cruising destinations. Proudly made in the USA with reinforced heading and corrosion resistant brass grommets.
When cruising in foreign waters as a matter of courtesy, it is appropriate to fly the flag of a foreign nation on your boat when you enter and operate on its waters. There are only a limited number of positions from which flags may be displayed. However, it is hoisted only after the appropriate authorities have granted clearance. Until clearance is obtained, a boat must fly the yellow’Q’ flag. Often cruising sailors fly both the courtesy flag and the quarantine flag (Q flag below) on entering a foreign port.
Marine Courtesy Flags, Nautical Flags
Solomon Islands 12″ x 18″ Outdoor Nylon Marine Courtesy Flag Made in USA w/ Heading & Brass GrommetsSolomon Islands
12" x 18"
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Marine Courtesy Flags, Nautical Flags
St. Kitts-Nevis 12″ x 18″ Outdoor Nylon Marine Courtesy Flag Made in USA w/ Heading & Brass GrommetsSt. Kitts-Nevis
12" x 18"
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